Trivial ideas about baking soda (other names: sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate), as a folk remedy for heartburn, have a narrowed limit. Traditional medicine treats the progression of many tumors with a white, free-flowing powdery substance.
For the "strong" half of humanity, sodium bicarbonate (sodium bicarbonate), as baking soda sounds in chemical language, is, if not a panacea for sexual disorders, then a remedy that has a complex of stimulating properties for the reproductive system.

Firstly, alkalization of the internal environment of the genital organs when taking baking soda reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process, has an antimicrobial effect, inactivates microflora and increases local immunity.
Secondly, taking NaHCO3inhibits the course of prostatitis, the progress of adenoma, enhances libido, potency and "sexual power" in a man.
Dr. Neumyvakin proved to the whole world experimentally that malignant cells in a soda solution are affected not only at the site of their reproduction, but also at points far from the site - metastases. In Neumyvakin's experiments, metabolic products of cancer cells were successfully removed from tissues when they were placed in a solution of sodium bicarbonate, and normal tissue cells restored their structure.
Male potency and erectile function in patients are enhanced due to increasing blood flow to the organs of the genitourinary system, which was previously in a state of stagnant circulation. Improved blood flow is achieved by binding sodium ions during the hydrolysis of soda with water ions and a subsequent decrease in the viscosity of blood and tissue fluid.
An accompanying process with a decrease in blood viscosity is the removal of intermediate metabolic products from the body or the neutralization of excess anions and the formation of soluble salts.
The increase in the functionality of the immune system when consuming soda is associated with the favorable alkaline environment for the faster formation of specific antibodies to antigens of fungal, viral and bacterial nature.
Methods of use to improve potency
Due to the effective effect of baking soda on male potency, this product can be used to prepare the following types of traditional medicines:
- Solutions for oral use.
- Enemas that act directly on the affected area.
- Baths with a complex effect.
It should be understood that soda is not an aphrodisiac. It can only normalize the functions of some body systems, promote the elimination of toxins and pathogens, improve immunity, etc. The course of treatment for potency with baking soda is 1-3 months. It all depends on the degree of development of the pathology. But you shouldn't count on an instant effect.
Before treatment, you should consult your doctor. Taking soda-based products will not harm the body, but it will not help solve the problem if its cause is a serious pathology. Such self-medication can lead to a significant aggravation of the situation.
Oral product
First of all, you should know that drinking soda in its pure form is strictly prohibited, as this can cause injury to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The recipe for improving potency is prepared as follows:
- A small amount of soda is poured into a glass of warm water. Initially, the dosage should be small (soda is scooped up with the tip of a knife), gradually increasing to a teaspoon.
- The product is thoroughly mixed.
This medicine should be taken after sleep, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts up to one and a half months, after which it is necessary to take a two-week break.
Soda baths

The procedures are used to improve the health of the entire body and improve metabolic processes.
Recipes may involve the preparation of both sitz baths and full baths. This method is considered the most effective because it allows you to achieve the following results:
- eliminates inflammatory processes;
- promotes activation of lymph flow, metabolic processes and blood flow;
- relieves nervous and muscle tension;
- removes toxins from the body;
- launches regenerative processes.
The recipe for preparing baths to improve potency involves the following steps:
- 250 grams of soda are poured into 1. 5 liters of water.
- The solution is added to the bath and filled with water at a temperature of 38 degrees.
- You should take this bath for about half an hour. Upon completion of the procedure, the patient needs a contrast shower.
To prepare sitz baths, use the following recipe:
- Take a small basin into which about 5 liters of warm water is poured.
- Add 250 grams of soda to the water and mix thoroughly.
- You should sit in the solution so that the water washes the genitals, perineum and anal sphincter.
The procedures should take 20 minutes. To improve efficiency, it is recommended to take a contrast shower. Baths should be taken daily before bed for 3 months.
Such procedures are very popular for erectile dysfunction, as they achieve the following effects:
- removal of waste and toxins from the body;
- prevention of constipation;
- launching intestinal peristalsis;
- fight against bacteria, preventing the spread of pathogenic microflora;
- normalization of digestive processes, etc.
Problems such as chronic constipation, digestive problems, poor diet and the presence of pathogenic microflora in the body can cause erectile dysfunction and prostatitis. Therefore, the above-described properties of baking soda for increasing potency are a scientifically proven fact.
The recipe for preparing a solution for microenemas is simple:
- Heat boiled water to a temperature of 42 degrees.
- Dissolve 0. 5 tablespoon of soda in prepared water.
- The solution is poured into a syringe with a soft tip.
The product must be injected into the anorectal passage. To reduce discomfort, you can lubricate the tip of the syringe with Vaseline or baby cream.
Several simple recipes for penis enlargement
You can enhance the effect obtained from the procedures by adding other ingredients to the soda base in any quantity. If sodium bicarbonate is combined with high-quality olive oil, then over time blood circulation in the genital area will be normalized, and all tissues will look healthier and more elastic after gentle scrubbing.
Baking soda is used alone or in combination with other medications. The classic recipe involves using only two components: NaHCO3 and water.
- Cool a liter of boiling water, add a tablespoon of baking soda. The amount of water and NaHCO3 can be increased or decreased, but care must be taken to maintain the proportions. So for 2 liters of water you will need 2 tbsp. l. etc. If a small amount of liquid is required, you can dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of slightly cooled boiling water.
- The soda must be thoroughly stirred until completely dissolved and no sediment remains at the bottom. Undissolved soda particles can injure delicate mucous membranes. The resulting microtraumas can become a source of entry for a new infection.
- If necessary, you can prepare a more concentrated solution, where 2 tbsp is added per liter of water. spoons of baking soda. You cannot use an even more concentrated solution to treat the penis; it will do more harm than good.
- It is not recommended to dissolve baking soda in cold water or hot boiling water; such a solution does not have medicinal properties.
- It is enough to wash yourself with the solution twice a day.
To enhance the effect of soda, you can add iodine and salt. Table salt is added to raw water, after which the solution is boiled. The salt grains should dissolve in the water. If the salt is coarse and contaminated with impurities, then you have to filter the solution. The salt concentration is one teaspoon per liter of water. After the saline solution has cooled, soda is added to it. Iodine should not be dripped into hot water; high temperatures are contraindicated for it. 10 drops of iodine are added to the solution immediately before the procedure.
To prevent thrush, women, men and children need to include fermented milk products in their diet. The use of antibiotics should be minimized; they destroy beneficial microorganisms and provoke the growth of fungi. Hormonal drugs, antidepressants, alcohol and nicotine also negatively affect normal microflora. You should exclude high-calorie foods from your diet and adhere to healthy eating rules.
To look confident and sexy in the eyes of women, like Celentano, it is additionally recommended to resort to the following recipes:
- Olive oil mixture. The nutritional supplement is added to a small amount of olive oil until a paste forms. The mixture is rubbed into the genital organ to avoid injury and in case of increased sensitivity of the skin.
- Honey paste. A teaspoon of the additive is mixed with half a teaspoon of honey. The resulting mixture is applied to the genitals for half an hour. After the time has passed, you need to wash off the paste with warm water.
- Paste with "Star" balm. The balm contains essential oils, so the result improves and accelerates. To prepare, add a pea of balsam to a standard soda paste in the amount of 2 tablespoons. The resulting composition is applied to the surface to be treated for 30 minutes.
Soda and honey ointment for potency: recipe

A mixture of soda and honey to improve potency is prepared very quickly. You need to mix 1 tsp. sodium bicarbonate with 3 tsp. natural liquid honey. If you have thickened or crystallized honey on hand, you can melt it using a water bath. Take this mixture for potency 1 tsp.
Soda and honey for potency are used within a week, then a 7-day break is taken, after which the use of the folk mixture is continued. If the treatment course is accompanied by heartburn, then such self-medication will have to be abandoned.
Taking honey and soda orally can not only improve potency, but also strengthen the immune system. Digestive processes are also normalized, so this mixture is recommended for dysbiosis and increased stomach acidity.
The external use of soda and honey consists of preparing an ointment that allows you to increase blood flow to the genitals, stabilize hormonal levels, and also activate a number of protective functions in the body, which will lead to the elimination of toxins and other harmful substances. At the same time, supporters of traditional medicine emphasize that the external use of baking soda and honey can increase the size of the penis. Changes occur due to more active filling of the cavernous bodies.
To prepare an ointment to improve potency, you need to mix 2 tbsp. liquid honey and 1 tsp. sodium bicarbonate. This mixture is rubbed into the skin of the penis with gentle massaging movements. After 5 minutes, wash off the product with warm water and wipe the surface of the penis dry. Men note that it is best to carry out this procedure shortly before bedtime, when the body is as relaxed as possible, 2-3 times a week.
- make the erection powerful;
- increase sexual desire;
- increase testosterone production;
- reduce the risk of sexual dysfunction;
- increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
Soda baths
Soda baths are perhaps one of the most enjoyable ways to use this product. One procedure will not give results, although some notice an improvement in their general condition after the first time.
Preparing a baking soda bath is very simple. We take half a bath of water at a temperature of 40 degrees. This temperature must be maintained throughout the entire procedure. Pour out half a pack of baking soda and half a pack of salt. It is advisable to take sea salt, as it has soothing properties that are not inherent in regular table salt, but if you don’t have it, then regular salt will do. You can add a few drops of essential oils, for example, bergamot oil, which is good for men, is a good option.
The duration of the course of soda baths is 10 doses, but they must be performed every other day. Many people enjoy the procedure so much that they look forward to the next procedure.
Sodium bicarbonate is used for a whole body bath or local baths, which are convenient to do in a basin.
For a sitz bath, you will need 50 grams for every liter of water. soda (2. 5 tablespoons without top). The preparation technology and temperature are the same as for taking a "large" bath. The amount of water should be such that the man’s perineum, genitals and anus are completely immersed in the solution; usually 5-6 liters are enough. Steam for 15-20 minutes. If the water cools down during this time, you can carefully add hot water.
Such procedures are carried out every evening before bed for 1 to 3 months. For greater effect, it is recommended to complete them with a contrast shower, which improves blood circulation, trains blood vessels and increases skin turgor.
Few people like this procedure, but it helps cleanse the intestines of waste deposits, which often happens in men suffering from constipation, poor diet and leading a sedentary lifestyle. Enemas:
- improve intestinal motility;
- kill pathogenic flora;
- cleanses the rectum;
- prevent the appearance or further development of hemorrhoids;
To prepare them, you need to dissolve 2 teaspoons of soda in 400-500 ml of boiling water, wait until the solution cools to 40-36 ° C and carefully, without haste, insert it into the rectum using a syringe. Discomfort from insertion can be reduced if the tip is rubber and lubricated with petroleum jelly or soap.
Methods of application
There is no specific recipe for preparing soda-based products specifically to influence erection. All of them contribute to its improvement indirectly. Baking soda can be taken orally and used for baths. Some sources advise rubbing the penis with soda and doing microenemas, but such manipulations are fraught with irritation and ulceration of the skin.
The introductory course of alkalization is designed for 10 days, the duration of treatment can be several months. Scheme according to I. P. Neumyvakin:
- Day 1: Dissolve ¼ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of hot water (or milk). Consume 20 minutes before meals;
- Day 2 and subsequent: increase the dose to 1/3 spoon;
- Day 5-6: dissolve half a spoon at a time;
- Days 9-10: increase the dose to 1 spoon (without a "slide").
Every 3 days it is recommended to take a break to check the body's reaction. The course lasts a month in total.
Do not dissolve baking soda in cooled boiling water. The powder is diluted in hot (70°C) but not boiling water, then the drink must be cooled to 36°C, otherwise there will be a burn to the mucous membranes.
Soda is also used in the form of a gruel - mixed with honey: a tablespoon of powder per three tablespoons of honey (natural linden). Take in the same way as the solution.
To minimize the risk of side effects during the course, it is important to follow the rules for preparing drinks, drink several glasses of clean water a day, and reduce meat consumption. It is recommended to carry out anthelmintic prophylaxis in advance
Soda baths
It is advisable to use soda for bathing in order to improve potency because of its irritating effect on the skin, stimulating blood flow. Recipe: 500 g of soda is diluted in 3 liters of boiling water, then the mixture is poured into a pre-filled bath (38-40°C) and dissolved. The benefits for potency from this method of use include the removal of toxins and activation of metabolic processes. The course consists of 10 procedures performed every other day. Duration of stay in water is 15-25 minutes.
The use of baking soda for potency is classified into 2 directions: external and internal. When taking sodium bicarbonate internally, a distinction is made between direct and indirect.
Direct internal use of the substance is based on dissolving a quarter of a small spoon of soda powder in heated water. After dissolving, the solution is allowed to cool and the contents of the glass are drunk once a day while warm.
A too concentrated solution of sodium bicarbonate can release carbon dioxide in excess quantities when it enters the stomach, becausea neutralization reaction occurs with hydrochloric acid of the digestive organ.
A man should try treatment with baking soda if there is a decrease in potency, the causes of which are psycho-emotional stress, emotional and physical stress over a long period of time.
IMPORTANT: problems with potency of a physiological or anatomical nature require a qualified medical approach with medication or radical treatment, where taking sodium bicarbonate can be not only ballast, but also intensify the existing pathology. There are no contraindications for external use of NaHCO3
Any abnormalities in the genitourinary system reduce the intensity of manifestations during alkaline baths (including malignant neoplasms)
For external use NaHCO3There are no contraindications. Any abnormalities in the genitourinary system reduce the intensity of manifestations during alkaline baths (including malignant neoplasms).
The indirect effect of baking soda on the organs of the reproductive system is expressed in its addition when baking baked goods as a leavening agent.

To prepare an enema, dissolve a large spoon of baking soda in warm water. Enemas can be given daily.
The benefit of sodium bicarbonate enemas is to rid the body of toxins through the digestive system. An abundance of toxins is formed when eating foods rich in fats and meat products. It is convenient to treat the rectum with a soda solution for prostate diseases and problems with potency.
Treatment options
To avoid severe stress to the body and not get the opposite effect, it is better to start consuming soda gradually with small amounts. At first, take no more than a quarter of a teaspoon at a time, then increase the dosage.
- Pour 1 heaped tablespoon of baking soda into 250 ml of cooled boiled water and add a spoonful of honey. Take orally for 9 days in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before bed.
- Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda and honey in a glass of water. Drink the drink 20 minutes before and 30 minutes after each meal for 7 days. For the next week, take it only before meals. The third week - twice a day after meals. Take a break and repeat in a month.
- Boil 500 ml of fresh honey over low heat and add 200 grams of soda. Store the solution in the refrigerator. For 30 days, take a teaspoon four times a day.
- In the last stages of cancer, you can eat 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda and honey twice a day for no more than two weeks in a row.
- The following solution is suitable for inhalation for lung cancer. Dissolve 50 grams of baking soda and 20 ml of liquid honey in half a liter of water. Breathe using a special inhaler device for half an hour.
Be sure to consult a doctor before treating cancer at home. Baking soda with honey does not always help in the fight against the disease. It all depends on the drug treatment that the patient undergoes.
It is not recommended to use baking soda internally if you have the following diseases:
- stomach ulcer;
- gastrointestinal pathologies, such as gastritis in the chronic stage;
- increased stomach acidity;
- allergy to soda.
Penis enlargement with baking soda through various lotions and massages is prohibited in the following cases:
- the presence of individual intolerance to the drug;
- wounds or rashes on the genitals.
To make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to soda, you must first apply the product to the skin of the penis, and only then to the mucous membrane. For internal use, you should initially take half the recommended serving of soda.

You should also remember that, contrary to popular belief, soda has an expiration date. It is prohibited to treat with an expired product, as well as one that is yellowish in color or has an unpleasant odor.
Penis enlargement with baking soda is contraindicated in the following cases:
- diabetes;
- BPH;
- prostatitis;
- urethritis;
- cystitis;
- thrush;
- allergic dermatitis.
In case of hypersensitivity and the presence of microtraumas, penis enlargement with soda is also contraindicated.
Not everyone can enlarge the penis using sodium bicarbonate. There are a number of contraindications:
- BPH;
- urethritis;
- thrush;
- diabetes;
- prostatitis;
- cystitis;
- allergic dermatitis;
- individual intolerance to soda.
Also, this method cannot be used if the skin on the genital organ is very sensitive or there are microscopic injuries on its surface.
If you decide to take soda orally, you should pay attention to the following contraindications:
- any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- individual intolerance to soda.
The use of soda for massaging the genital organ or lotions is not permitted when:
- There are rashes or wounds on the organ;
- Individual intolerance to the substance is observed;
- Certain pathologies of the penis are observed.
Taking sodium bicarbonate orally is not recommended if:
- Chronic gastritis or other gastrointestinal pathologies accompanied by disturbances in the acid balance in the body;
- Ulcerative diseases;
- Allergies to soda.
Penis enlargement using sodium bicarbonate does not have any contraindications. It is not necessary to consult a specialist before use.
But at the same time, you need to take into account precautions, for example, take soda with an unexpired expiration date, follow the indicated dosage, do massages and scrubs only with clean hands. These simple measures will save many men from unpleasant consequences
These simple measures will save many men from unpleasant consequences.
Such methods cannot give a 100% guarantee that the penis will immediately grow by several centimeters. It is hard work and requires a lot of patience and dedication. Also, the baking soda increase method may not be suitable for some men with individual intolerance to sodium bicarbonate.
There are quite a lot of them. The main thing is not to aggravate the condition of your genitals.
Before using baking soda, you should consider whether this procedure is really necessary. If you still need it, then you can safely start experimenting. Unlike creams, this product is very cheap, you can buy it at any food store, it’s enough for at least one course of use.
For a man, it is necessary to feel confident in bed with his partner, to know that he is complete and then he will not have any problems in life.